Lista de reproducción
Titulo | Duración | Acciones |
on-soul-pbs-tv-1972 | 7:10 |
performing-down-home-girl | 4:7 |
on-soul-pbs-tv-1972 | 2:51 |
trio-w-vusi-mahlasela-zanzibar-world-blues-tour-t | 9:13 |
tear-this-cabin-down | 5:38 |
on-soul-pbs-tv-1972 | 3:14 |
trio-w-vieux-farka-toure-ali-catfish-blues-10 | 9:49 |
the--trio-performs-queen-bee-at-ronnie-scott | 5:22 |
trio-when-i-feel-the-sea-beneath-my-soul-jazzal | 4:31 |
the-phantom-blues-band-senior-blues-nyc-418 | 7:29 |
the-phantom-blues-band-hoochie-coochie-coo-co | 4:10 |
everybody-is-somebody-world-blues-finale-tulsa-1 | 5:14 |
strut-1-24-09-at-sea | 5:46 |
trio-done-changed-my-way-of-living-tarrytown-ny | 8:22 |
the-phantom-blues-band-corrina-bend-or-9-0 | 5:11 |
trio-the-blues-is-alright-laffayette-la | 5:2 |
on-soul-pbs-tv-1972 | 3:5 |
triolittle-brown-dog-ronnie | 6:44 |
on-soul-pbs-tv-1972 | 7:12 |
the-phantom-blues-band-honky-tonk-portland | 6:24 |
trio-little-brown-dog-seattle-11-21-10 | 6:7 |
taj-diva-mahal-phantom-blues-band-never-let-you-go-prospect | 5:27 |
on-soul-pbs-tv-1972 | 5:4 |
the-phantom-blues-bandleaving-trunk-red-butte | 4:57 |
trio-funky-dunky-doodle-bunky-abcs-yoshis-12-0 | 4:34 |
trio-mississippi-big-butt-blues-perth-3-28-10 | 7:12 |
cakewalk-solano-beach-ca-10-20-12 | 2:25 |
phantom-blues-band-senior-blues-capecod-melo | 7:39 |
trio-when-i-feel-the-sea-beaneath-my-soul-tallahas | 4:14 |
giant-step-12-8 | 4:45 |
the-phantom-blues-band-strut-mountain-winery | 5:41 |
the--trio-performs-slow-drag-in-tahoe | 9:40 |
the-phantom-blues-band-further-on-down-the-roa | 4:47 |
phantom-blues-band-here-in-the-dark-capecod-m | 4:2 |
the-phantom-blues-band-josephine-newark-nj | 4:42 |
trio-giant-step-kansas-city-world-blues-tour-10-27 | 3:24 |
the-phantom-blues-band-diddy-wah-diddy-phila | 4:53 |
trio-satisfied-tickled-too-yoshis-12-3-09 | 6:31 |
trio-john-henry-infinity-music-hall-norfolk-ct | 6:23 |
trio-tomsally-drake-laffayette-la-5-30-13 | 5:10 |
the-phantom-blues-band-e-z-rider-dodge-theatre | 4:4 |
the-phantom-blues-band-queen-bee-telluride-co | 5:0 |
trio-john-henry-wellington-nz-3-20-13 | 6:16 |
trio-corrina-waterville-me | 4:38 |
trio-mailbox-blues-jazzalleyseattle-11-16-12-2 | 3:52 |
the-phantom-blues-band-slow-drag-santa-barba | 4:35 |
trio-fishing-blues-kate-hepburn-theatre-old | 3:28 |
trio-my-creole-belle-brock-u-1-30-13 | 4:31 |
trio-sittin-on-top-of-the-world-iowa-city-8-9-12 | 3:37 |
you-should-have-never-said-you-loved-me--the-ph | 5:7 |
trio-move-up-to-the-country-and-paint-my-mailbox-b | 3:53 |
the-phantom-blues-band-rascal-mountain-w | 6:44 |
the-phantom-blues-band-move-up-to-the-countrya | 4:13 |
trio-corrina-foxborough-ma-8-16-12 | 5:1 |
triodone-changed-my-way-of-livinfairbanks-ak-5 | 8:23 |
fishing-blues-the-opera-house-waterville-me | 3:40 |
trio-checking-up-on-my-baby-jazzalleyseattle-11-16 | 5:22 |
trio-mailboxasheville-nc-5-12-12 | 3:17 |
done-changed-my-way-of-living-1-world-austin-11 | 7:23 |
trio-space-waiting-for-my-dad-to-come-home-evan | 2:39 |
vusi-malhasela-prayer-for-our-times-tulsa-ok-world-blues-tour-10-23-1 | 4:14 |
trio-checkin-up-on-my-baby-rose-theatre-brampton | 5:23 |
trio-calgary-spooky-blues-4-28-13 | 5:59 |
trio-satisfied-tickled-too-louisville-ky10-5-1 | 6:35 |
trio-sentidos-dulce-jazzalley-11-24-09 | 4:30 |
trio-fishing-blues-kate-hepburn-theatre-old | 3:28 |
trio-lovin-in-my-babies-eyes-redantspants-7-29-12 | 4:14 |
trio-210-train-from-jazz-alley-11-21-09 | 6:43 |
the-phantom-blues-band-feat-deva-mahal-rain-f | 4:44 |
walking-with-my-babylargo-la-10-19-12 | 3:2 |
trio-roscoes-muleredantspants-7-29-12 | 4:11 |
trio-my-creolle-belle-anchorage-ak-5-1-12 | 5:2 |
walking-with-my-babylargo-la-10-19-12 | 3:2 |
triogiant-stepredantspants7-29-12 | 4:4 |
Año | Nombre |
2003 | The Best Of Taj Mahal |
1969 | Giant Step / De Ole Folks At Home |
Blues, R&B, Blues Rock, Reggae, Reggae Fusión, Jazz
Taj Mahal (Henry Saint Clair Fredericks: 17 de mayo de 1942) es músico de blues.
Taj logró fusionar lo rural con el jazz, el blues, reggae, calypso, zydeco y música hawaiana en una sintetizada e infinita melodía propia.
Taj Mahal grabó su primer disco en 1967 y rápidamente estaba dando shows con los Grateful Dead y Jefferson Airplane. Taj fue un multi-instrumentista (tocaba la guitarra, el piano, el bajo, el órgano, mandolina, chelo, salterio, flautín, la armónica, kalimba, vibráfono, dobro...). Taj por siempre compuso nuevas músicas combinando nuevas formas musicales resultando llenas de energía y con resultados evocativos.
Durante un breve período, en 1971, colaboró con la banda de jazz-rock española Om.